Monday, March 9, 2009

Writing English

I just followed one blog which has the topic "I hate writing". It just made me think that why we really do not like to write. I have one example at my own home. My girl, she can write very well but just do not like to write her thoughts. She likes to Express verbally. When I asked her "Why you do not write on the paper and her answer was it will take fifteen minutes to write, but it will take only four minutes to express thoughts. Second her answer was I am not going to be a writer when I grow up, so I assume some people may think it is a profession. So writing is only for those who are going to write books. I was thinking why we do not like to write, it just came in to my mind, when we write we have lot of spelling errors, grammar mistakes. Sometimes we feel just lazy and keep thinking in our own minds what we are going to write and keep thinking. But the very next day we do not follow what we decided to write the previous day.

Some people are really good in writing and have very good thoughts but they may lack the art of co-ordination in their thoughts. So what the author writes may not make sense. There are people who love to write and write flawless by which I mean no grammar and spelling errors. But in my opinion the choice of words are really important for writing. The writer should know very well what he/she is writing. Here I mean the accurate interpretation of what a person is writing. As far as this part is concerned I am far behind. I really need to learn, how to express my thoughts because sometimes what I write, I only know what I mean by that and it is usually interpreted differently.

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